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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions.  

The best way to have your questions answered is to set up a complimentary consultation.

First, know that you are in charge.  You get to choose what you want to work on.  You will be treated with respect and shown compassion and empathy.  There is no judgment, just support.  A counselor is a guide equipped with numerous tools to help you.  Because each person is unique, the therapeutic methods used will vary but are evidence-based and effective.  A session runs for about 50-60 minutes.  While there is a good bit of talking, it is productive and related to what you’ve identified as the primary goal of counseling.   For more details, schedule a complimentary consultation.

Because you are in complete control of your counseling/treatment, you can take as many or as few as you’d like.  Everyone is unique, and it’s difficult to determine how many sessions you’ll need to feel relief, feel better, or work through issues, etc.  The intensity of what you bring into counseling will likely determine how many sessions you need.  Some take 6, 12, 24 sessions.  Finances are also a factor.  We will work with the number of sessions you can afford.  Please do not expect to have results in only one or a few sessions.  Whatever troubles you have likely didn’t happen overnight or in a few weeks, so please don’t expect to resolve them quickly.

There are many ways yoga can help you. First, yoga therapy isn’t about doing poses, exercise, or stretches. It’s about helping you learn healthier ways of thinking, feeling, and being. First, you’ll identify unhealthy habits you’d like to work on.  Then, we’ll explore which yoga practices and/or philosophies support creating and sustaining healthier living. The benefits include feeling less stressed or anxious and improving your mood and overall well-being

The yoga provided is Hatha yoga, which is not a religion. There is no praying to or worshiping a god or gods.  When you learn yoga philosophy, you might find it aligns with different religious doctrines.  For example, “ahimsa,” which means non-harm or non-violence, parallels the idea of not hurting others or yourself.

Qigong is energy work.  It is breath and movement-based but is not calisthenics or working out.  It is possible to develop strength depending on your current level of physical fitness. Qigong focuses inward, using breath and concentration, paying attention to the body’s internal sensations and energy flow. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that the body is self-healing and that working with the body’s natural energy system can increase energy and improve overall vitality. Depending on your body’s ability, qigong exercises can be done standing or seated. Some practices have movement while others are still.  All exercises can be modified for your needs.  Your needs, abilities, and goals will influence which Qigong exercises are recommended. 

I do not take insurance, but I can provide you with an invoice to submit to your insurance company.  

Counseling – $175./session

Yoga Therapy – $125./per session

Qigong – $100./per session

Payments can be made through Zelle, Venmo, or PayPal and are remitted before the start of each session.  

The best advice I can give you is to request a consultation so that I can learn more about what you need help with. I can then use this information to make the best recommendation for you. 

When you’re ready to deal with difficult emotions that interfere with daily life, counseling is the route. 

Maybe you have difficult emotions but aren’t ready to explore the “why” Yoga and Qigong help.

Yoga or Qigong? Yoga therapy includes changing one’s mindset (from negative/unhealthy to positive/healthy).

If you’re not ready to address your mindset, Qigong is the way to go. You’ll practice mindful movement and breathwork, which has a calming, centering, and uplifting effect.